Old ben fallout new vegas
Old ben fallout new vegas

old ben fallout new vegas

Look for a man named Aurelius of Phoenix and talk to him. With a barter skill of 35 or higher, head to Cottonwood Cove. Instead of exiting the mainframe, keep selecting the second download option to receive 500 XP every time. Select the second download option to get 500 XP. You will be given one “Override” option and two “Download” options. A door will open on the left as you walk in. Use a Stealthboy to sneak by everyone there. Next you will be led to the Sacrificial Chamber. Continue the quest until you get the overseer’s passcode and enter it into the computer.

old ben fallout new vegas

Travel to Vault 11 and you will get a quest to find out what has happened there. You have an unusual name.” then ask to talk about something else, and the name option will keep coming back. Ask him about his name and there will be an option for a 30 speech skill level attempt. With a speech skill of 30 or higher and being neutral or friendly with NCR, head to Camp McCarran and look for Sergeant Bitter-Root in one of the tents. You can find Old Ben sitting by a fire close to The King’s headquarters in Freeside.

old ben fallout new vegas

Follow Old Ben back from the bar after he’s done and wait until he sits down and you can do the speech challenge again for unlimited xp. Successfully completing the speech challenge will net you 61 xp. With a speech skill of 50 or higher you can persuade Old Ben to offer his escort services to the local bar. There is a man named Old Ben sitting by a fire near The King’s Headquarters in Freeside. Note that these very well may be patched in the future, so if you plan to use them then I would suggest waiting to run any patches it tries to download for you. In Fallout: New Vegas for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC, there are a couple ways to exploit glitches for an unlimited amount of XP.

Old ben fallout new vegas